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This is a wonderful post... as are the others. Can I ask for a little advice on putting together ideas for writing a book. How do you stay organized and focused?


Janet Boyer

Thank you, Shaheen! Let me have a think on your question; I just might turn your excellent question into a blog post!

I will say, though, organization isn't my strong suit, so I'm thankful my non-fiction books sort of organized themselves because of what I wanted to accomplish. But focus? Well, you have to have a drive to get your book done more than anything...but that may be hard if you don't have an organizing principle or outline. If you have that, then focus is a matter of unplugging from the internet, removing distractions (shut off the pone, for example) and "butt in chair". :o)


These are excellent points. In 2009 I wrote a non-fiction book proposal that was snatched up by an agent, because of your #4, he liked my platform. But we failed to get a sale, largely because of your #2 -- the editors he sent it to felt the audience was too niche.

I'm working on a new proposal now. In doing so, I'd add a 6th point to this. Ask yourself, "Is this really a book?" Too often an idea makes for a great essay or academic paper, but there's not enough "there" there to sustain a reader for several hundred pages. I've had to toss aside several ideas for this reason.


Wonderful insight Janet, I think its all about drive, organization and dedication. I feel like in the past I have wavered from my writing because its hard for me to stick to the schedule/ritual of writing.

It would be wonderful to read a whole post on this topic. Maybe even tips for keeping focused or organized or to stay inspired.

And let me pose the question... how can I sue tarot to help inspire, organize or outline my writing?

Thanks for the wonderful information :)


Janet Boyer

You know, I thought of that point too, Artist, but I figured that a content editor (#1) would likely be able to tell if that's the case. My first publisher thought one of my book proposals was more fitting for a blog than a book; my students thought otherwise! You just never know in this finicky market. :o)

Hi again, Shaheen!

Those are excellent topics and ones that most writer's wrestle with. On my Tarot Gals blog, I have a Writing category (nothing there yet) for posts about using Tarot for creative writing. http://TarotGals.com You and I are on the same wavelength! I very much appreciate you taking the time to post, because that inspires me to blog more on writing. :o)

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