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Anne R. Allen

What fabulous quotes! I'm so honored to have one among them. They're quirky and interesting--not the same old/same old. I love the suggestion about carrying a rock around with you to symbolize your fears... and then planting it in somebody's garden.

Janet Boyer

My pleasure, Anne! That's one of my favorites, too. So subversive. LOL ;o)

Les Edgerton

I'm very honored to be included among these writers. Thank you.

Janet Boyer

You are most welcome, Les! I can't tell you how much your book FINDING YOUR VOICE helped me as a newbie writer. :o)

S. L. Gore

Thanks so much for this post. There's something here for every writer, and what a delight to see confirmed that there is no one way to pursue art.
I love Gore Vidal. "Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn!"
There is one common thread in all - the admonition to "just write!"
Epictetus put it so succinctly. "If you wish to be a writer, write."

Janet Boyer

Glad you enjoyed the quotes, S.L.! And yes, when it comes down to it, the best advice for writers seems to be "just write already!" (a lot). ;o)

Elizabeth Sims

Janet, your attitude is admirable, and it's clear that you're a generous, honest person. I appreciate being included in your book. What goes around, comes around.

Janet Boyer

That is very kind of you, Elizabeth. Thank you. :o) I'm a firm believer in karma, as well.

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