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This is awesome > "a nebulous state residing in the ether or akasha, containing all the symbols, motifs and patterns that ever existed…a place visited in dreams and contacted via altered states."

I'm familiar with Jo Campbell and his Power of Myth, but I only have a topical knowledge of Jung, and that bit you added is really cool.

I have no idea what my achetype might be.... :/ is there a quiz or something? :p

Thanks for sharing this!

Janet Boyer

Thanks Lalammar!

The best way to ascertain your archetypes is through asking yourself some of the questions I posed in this post, as well as extensive self-examination. I highly recommend Caroline Myss's book Sacred Contracts to get you on your way. She has some free information at her site: http://www.myss.com/library/contracts/ Some info. on Archetypes from her site: http://www.myss.com/library/contracts/archetypes.asp

There is a brief, highly inaccurate (IMO) quiz at https://www.archetypeme.com/ based on Myss's newest book, Archetypes: Who Are You?. It tests for only 10 archetypes and is VERY general.

I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment! Hope to see you again, soon. :o)


This was how I first came across the Tarot many years ago - investigating what on Earth these things called "archetypes" were :-)

Those questions you've posed will be great for basing a reading on - I'm really keen to try it now. This post has actually come at an interesting time for me as I was just questioning myself this morning following a strange and disappointing interaction with someone. I wonder if I'm simply the type of person that person is usually repelled by.

Janet Boyer

Ah, so Tarot brought you to Archetypes! Very cool...

Have you had additional insights on the interaction, Elle? (Sorry for the delay getting back to you...I was offline for a week).

Sometimes, a disappointing interaction may also indicate that they don't "vibrate" at the same level you do (to be decidedly New Agey). ;o) Those who don't seem to be on the same page as we are may quite simply need to remain outside our sphere for many reasons, including dragging us down. What do you think?

And YES, what a cool spread those questions would make. I'll have to come up with a Bully Spread. Thanks for the inspiration (and for stopping by and taking the time to comment)! :o)

Elle Carter Neal

(I've had some difficulty logging in to Typepad this past week, so sorry for the delay in responding)

I think you're spot on with the point about vibrating at different levels. I have had the exact same conversation with different people just a half hour apart, and one conversation was great and easy and pleasant, while the other felt like pulling teeth. And when I drop my child off at pre-school I make a point of smiling at and greeting every other parent I pass - about half always smile back and respond, but the other half ignore me. I used to think it was a "physical attraction" thing, but vibrations make more sense.

Janet Boyer

That's definitely an indicator, Elle: when you're feeling a particular state, but then come around someone that knocks you out of it--only to go right back to the original state. A case of different vibes, for sure! :o)

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