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I am related very strongly to this post. I was just about to post a Tweet about my compulsive email-Twitter-Facebook checking that interferes with everything else I want to do....


Janet Boyer

OMG, you, too, Hope? I've been sitting on this post for almost 2 weeks now because I thought it exposed me just way too much... LOL!

Michelle Bowser

Ha! I love the pic! And I love this post. You are so right about bland writing.


At the risk of sounding unoriginal, I might need to steal that modem-hiding idea of yours. Internet addiction is alive and well in my house and I'm pretty sure I could have written a series in the time it's taken to write a single book if I didn't have such a raging internet addiction! Thanks for sharing your quirks and giving me a chance to come clean, too ; ).

Janet Boyer

Teehee! Thanks, Michelle!

Janet Boyer

::sprinkles holy water:: You are absolved, Anne. ;o)


I absolutely adore this, the best laugh I've had all day. I totally sympathize with your quirks - I think my strangest one is that I read all of my dialogue out loud, with the appropriate accent. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't do it when my mind is wandering like, say, standing in the checkout line in Walmart. :-D

Janet Boyer

Oh for heaven's sake, Shannon... Can you just imagine how we look to perfect strangers? LOL! ;o)

Shannon MacLeod

Do what I do - wear a bluetooth. They think I'm on the phone instead of just...odd. LOL

Ruth Harris

Not naming names here but I once knew a bestselling author with definite quirks. Her own description of her writing habits?

"I got up. Had a martini. Threw up and went to work."

That's verbatim.

Janet Boyer

Brilliant, Shannon!

Janet Boyer

And thus perpetuating the "drinking writer" mythos...


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