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I, too, love to start stuff. Whether it's writing or some craft I'm working on, I love the rush of the new "thing". It's the follow through that I have difficulty with... I think for me, it's the fear of someone judging my work and finding it lacking. Even if I write something/make something I really like, I have a hard time believing anyone else will like it. (I'd like to blame my mom for that. Can I do that? :-) ) Anyway, thanks for posting this, Janet. I needed to read it and ponder it. And I will. <3

Janet Boyer

You absolutely may blame your mother. I suspect that most people's inner critic look just like Mom or Dad!

In personality systems like the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, those of us who are Perceivers (as opposed to Judgers) prefer flexibility and stuff "penciled in" (rather than deadlines and completion). http://www.cliverowe.com/blog/2010/08/28/judgers-and-perceivers/ Personally, I like the challenge of deadlines, but it's the ONLY kind. We tend to be great starters, too.

What I'd recommend (not that you asked!) is to get several writing partners/beta readers whose opinion you trust (that is, they know what they're talking about AND they won't BS you) and submit your work to THEM. As you gain confidence in your work, you'll be more likely to finish projects and then, if it's your desire, put them out there for publication.

The only way to gain confidence in an area is through practice--and having trusted, respected advocates/cheerleaders/critics supporting you can help you grow exponentially. (So if you ever need a beta reader, you know where to find me!) XO

Michelle Bowser

I have always felt like I must be doing something wrong with my writing when it came easy. I figured out after a while that my biggest problem was reading writing advice. Most of it made writing sound so impossibly difficult, I assumed if it came so easily to me, it must be crap and that has been the biggest thing to hold me up.

Janet Boyer

THAT is probably a huge chunk of my (former) problem, Michelle! I own well over 100 books on the writing craft. Well, hell. We should have an old fashioned book burning! ;o)

Seriously, I totally relate. Woman, thou art loosed!

Anne R. Allen

So many writers need to read this Janet! Most writers are struggling with novel length fiction even though lots of them would prefer to write short fiction, essays and blogposts.

Who the #%&* said novels are a superior art form? They may be on their way out. US men hardly read novels any more. Revenue for novels has been going down for years, except for romance and erotica. Even the NYT bestsellers aren't making a living, except for a handful of superstars.

I think writers were steered toward novels for years because nonfiction is kind of a jungle in the Big Publishing world. But with self-publishing, the field is free for indies.

I recently wrote a blogpost on "when is it OK to blog your book" http://annerallen.blogspot.com/2013/04/when-is-it-ok-to-blog-your-book.html and linked to a number of bloggers who have given up fiction to blog for its own sake. They have tons of followers and are reaching far more people with their work than the average novelist.

And here you are, with, as you say "bliss on a plate" and you think you "should" be writing novels. Listen to Ron. He sounds like a very smart man. :-)

Janet Boyer

Awww, I have tears in my eyes, Anne! Thanks for the confirmation. More than one person has told me to listen to Ron. ::wince::

I subscribe to your blog and I have NO idea how I missed the post you referenced! Geez, I could have had my Aha! moment WEEKS ago (maybe). I'll read it after I'm done commenting here.

I had NO IDEA about the stats you shared. NONE. What an eye opener! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment--and for being such a great resource for writers. :o)

Amanda Donnelly

I think it is always best to do what you like to do. Anything else is drudgery and who wants to go through life like that? If I did, I would go back to my good paying job that was destroying my soul.

And everyone who is paying an iota of attention realizes that the market for authors IS changing, and it is possible to make money in many other formats than a novel. I don't have them mastered, yet, but since I am not in a miserable soul sucking job I have time to learn them. And of course, so do you. You are already on the right track!

Janet Boyer

Well said, Amanda!

What gets me is that I'm like a blind prophet. I end up being on a visionary road, then second guess most of my steps until I arrive at the "future". That's what happened when I started reviewing on AMZN over a decade ago: I just "followed my bliss", without realizing that I was creating an author platform and inroads into the industry. D'oh!

I really need to listen to my husband...

Today was a real epiphany day. I am so grateful that I AM, truly, on track! (And no doubt Ron will be happy not to have to listen to Writer Angst Sessions anymore.)

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