Teresa Mills, one of the Thematic Tarot bloggers, just "interviewed" our Coffee Tarot. This is a practice that some Tarot enthusiasts use in order to get to know their deck. I've never done it, myself, but I find the process fascinating. I really should try it sometime!
When Teresa posted this to our private Coffee Tarot Club group on Facebook, I was moved. Truly moved. It was as if our deck was speaking with its own "voice", apart from Ron and I (as creators". What a wild feeling! Teresa was kind enough to give me permission to post her inteview here. Enjoy!
Deck Interview: Getting to Know The Coffee Tarot by Teresa Mills
1. Coffee Tarot, tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
The Star - Coffee is the superstar of this deck, just as you are the superstar of your readings. I help you shine. I am a deck of power, bringing messages forward of inspiration and truth, yet I have a gentle comforting way of doing that through my rich coffee tone colors. Coffee is a very relatable thing to many people, especially coffee drinkers, so I will help bring messages and information at a relatable level for you and others. You be Wonder Woman, and I will be your lasso of truth; I am comfortable to take that role.
2. What are your strengths as a deck?
Magic - I am a magical and creative deck, a special tool that you can use to help you or others see the options and solutions right in front of you so that you too can create magic in your world and manifest the outcomes you desire. Think of me as your magic wand.
3. What are your limits as a deck?
Fuel - I am a Tarot deck, and although I am a magical tool and provide fuel to your thoughts, I can’t do the work for you, you must find your passion to move forward and bust through the barriers that stand in your way. I only bring information forward; the action is up to you.
4. What do you (the deck) bring to the table - what are you here to teach me?
The Emperor - Take the information I bring forth, and learn to use it to become your own authority. Trust your intuition, trust the messages. Who knows you better than you? You are the ruler of your own kingdom, you make the rules, I, the Coffee Tarot, am just a humble servant here to assist you. Using the structure of the topic of coffee, I bring you guidance, advice and wisdom through my imagery.
5. How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?
Hanging - Take time to reflect on the information I bring forward to you. Pause, let it sink in; let me show you how you might see things differently from another perspective.
Note: I started this last night and was not doing well putting the information together. Instead of giving up, I went to bed and left the spread out with to ponder. I look at it today, I hear Pow!, Wonder Woman, and the information comes forward. I thought this was interesting, given the answer to this question and my first experience using this deck.
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
Tradition - I can help you weave a story together in a reading, just as my creators weaved the story of coffee through me. I know Tarot plays a central role in your life, and I want to help you to become a more creative tarot reader, to use your imagination, to think outside the box to break down barriers, to add more meaning and value to your tarot study and readings. With a little time and effort, we can forge a strong relationship that will last, like petrogylphs on a cave wall, and give beautiful readings together. Maybe we will even create some traditions of our own together.
Note: Interesting, my favorite card in the deck, Tradition, shows up as the outcome. I have also started some other classes, which we learn quite about a bit about ancient traditions of different cultures. So that is an area I am interesting in learning more, and of course, bring what I learn into my Tarot study.
Thank you so much, Teresa, for sharing your interview with the Coffee Tarot. I can't tell you how gratifying it is, a deck creator, to have the cards "speak" independently to a reader. It's gives me a new perspective of the cards--and makes me want to have my own conversation with the deck.
-- Janet
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