In case you didn't know, our son Noah does amazing work as a Tarot bag designer. His stylish Tarot wallets can also be used to hold Lenormand decks, large oracle cards, essential oil rollers and inhalers--as well as mundane things like tissues, medicines, anti-bacterial containers, money, credit cards, etc.
Customers at our Chez Boyer Etsy Shop get to buy already-made bags, or have custom Tarot bags with their choice of liner color and vintage button. Here's a video I made with showcasing some of Noah's work (including Kitty Kicker Kushions filled with organic catnip!):
Doesn't he do extraordinary work?]
In fact, the customer that ordered two more Lenormand-size bags (that I mentioned in the video) just posted a 5-star review of her original bag, along with this photo:
Here's Noah talking a bit about his process (from a few years ago):
You can snag your very own bag made by Noah on our Chez Boyer Etsy Shop here.